
Metacognition and Innovative Behaviors

Thursday, July 16, 2020
Author: Business Consultants, Inc.

Metacognition and Innovative Behaviors

According to researchers, innovative behaviors originate from the recognition of problems and the adoption of new ideas or the generation of solutions. In business administration, activities create, introduce, and apply new ideas mainly for the purpose of improving work and performance.

Innovation behavior consists of a three-step process: step 1 is the process of finding new ideas to identify and solve problems; step 2 is the process of finding ideas to implement ideas found. The last step is the realization of a solution by introducing an innovation model that can be used throughout an individual’s work, department, or organization. It is argued that innovation behavior in any area starts with finding new and useful ideas. New ideas arise from the adoption, combination, and application of existing knowledge. Innovation behavior research suggests that members may have the opportunity to develop new insights and abilities through knowledge discovery and use, and that the breadth and depth of available knowledge is a driving force for innovative ideas.1

It is also suggested that by discovering and using knowledge, members discover new and useful knowledge and also, they create new knowledge by recombining knowledge in a creative way.

In addition, it has been noted that integrating the knowledge into the knowledge base can enhance the innovation behavior.

Innovation behavior means all activities that create and implement new ideas can increase the work or performance of the members themselves. It also deliberately represents the process of developing, modifying, applying, implementing, and spreading ideas. Previous studies have tried to identify the factors that induce the innovation behavior of the members. These factors varied from individual, relationship, task, and organizational characteristics. The results of this study are as follows:

First, the study focused on the individual factors, the cognitive style, openness, creative personality, self-efficacy, job satisfaction, and continuous learning activities as important factors.

From this point of view, metacognition will have a major impact as a premise of processes involving the induction and execution of ideas at a previous stage that embodies innovation behavior, insights for new products and markets with a better understanding of new technology trends and opportunities.2

1, 2Article, Impact of Metacognition on Innovative Behaviors: Focus on the mediating effects of entrepreneurship, 31 May 2018


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E-Book: The Psychology of Innovation