Four Main Domains to Make Your Idea Spread
According to the Diffusion of Innovation theory there are four main elements you have to take into consideration if you want your idea to spread: the innovation, a social system, time, and communication channels.
This is the first part of the e-book series, and it will discuss the innovation, and the social system aspects. The following part in the series will be discussing time, and communication channels aspects.
An innovation is an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption (later on in the book we will discuss the features that make your idea innovative).
A social system is defined as a set of interrelated units that are engaged in joint problem solving to accomplish a common goal. A social system consists of different units with different characteristics, which react differently towards an innovation. However, the reaction of one unit may affect the decisions of other units.
The process of diffusion of innovation in a certain social system needs a period of time to allow the proper interactions to happen between the system units.
A communication channel is the means by which messages get from one individual to another. To ensure successful diffusion of innovation, one needs to select the different media that convey their message to each adoption unit in the social system at the right point in time.
For more about this topic, download our latest book "How New Ideas Spread (Part 1)" for FREE: